Looking Closer Episode 2

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"every life is a patchwork of moments and dreams"

Deborah takes us for a closer look at her piquette assiette sculpture, a form of mosaic that is made from found and broken things. This piece is her first ever sculpture and first ever piece made to go out of doors.

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Looking Closer Episode 1

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"this is my story--I have only just begun"

Deborah introduces her newest artistic endeavor, a collage style she calls torn paper mosaics and discusses why she like the medium and what the title, "this is my story--I have only just begun" means to her and her art.

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Video Interview

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Video Interview, August 2001

This interview was recorded in August of 2001. It is an in depth discussion of what Deborah is all about she paints, and her mission with in regard to her work.