I really enjoy doing these People Portraits. Some are done in a straight forward manner and some in a more interpretive manner. No matter what, they are never photo realistic because that's not what I do and that's what, frankly, you have a camera for. I think most have a real Matisse-meets-Picasso-meet-me vibe. I like them, and I like doing them. Many of these in the sample slides were commissioned but there are some that are of folks in the park or coffee shop or whatever. These portraits start at $250 for an 11 x 14 watercolor head-and-shoulders portrait-- straight forward or edged up a bit. I work from a photograph. If you want something more elaborate, can do (like the whole person seated or standing or with their guitar or soccer ball or in a group). If you are interested, some of the random folks around town are for sale in Original Art, The Folks section. If you want a portrait done of a specific person, contact me and we shall make that happen!
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