Looking Closer Episode 12

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"life flows sweetly down by the sea"

Deborah takes us for a closer look at "life flows sweetly by down by the sea" and discusses the familiar female figure in this and many of her paintings, Mrs. Mazursky.  The iconographic Mrs. Mazursky was very important in building Deborah's desire to become an artist, and her emergence a breakthrough moment for the artist.

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Looking Closer Episode 11

[osflv EP11/]

"today is my new day"

Deborah Looks Closer at her painting,  "today is my new day," and discusses the ways in which her art relates to her life as well as  the inspiration for some of the images and symbols that appear in her work.  She reveals that this work came at a time of great transition pointing out the ways in which it relates to her personal journey.

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Looking Closer Episode 9

[osflv EP9/]

“there is a restoration that comes only through tending the heartgarden”

Deborah takes a closer look at her painting, "there is a restoration that comes only through tending the heartgarden" discussing what the term “heartgarden” means to her personal philosophy and elaborates on the use of these ideas in her art.

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Looking Closer Episode 8

[osflv EP8/]

"living with the ebb and the flow"

Deborah takes a look at her painting, "living with the ebb and the flow" and discusses why she enjoys creating the little houses that sit in the water.  Explaining her idea of living at the edge of the world where one must always deal with the ebbs and flows of life, Deborah discusses what she likes about this piece

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Looking Closer Episode 7

[osflv EP7/]

"this is the moment when everything can change"

Deborah looks at her painting, "this is the moment when everything can change" revealing that all of her first efforts were of flowers and discussing her unique approach to, and feelings about, ordinary things. Deborah doesn't paint a  daffodil but something she calls a daffodilesque!

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Looking Closer Episode 5

[osflv EP5/]

"the sun set, the moon rises, the long journey ends--I have found my peaceful heart here within this day"

Deborah takes us for a closer look at her work,  "the sun set, the moon rises, the long journey ends - I have found my peaceful heart here within this day."  It is an interesting discussion of Deborah's ideas about endings and beginnings and the ever important peaceful heart.  One really understands how Deborah weaves her thoughts into her paintings.

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