Monhegan Island Poets Corner: My First Published Poem!!

for today, I am laying my burdens down

I love Monhegan Island.  It is about my favorite spot in the world.  I go there to paint and be renewed.  I wrote a poem while in a deep longing for the island.  I was lucky enough to have it published in The Poet's Corner, which is a book and blog of poems from Monhegan.  Here is mine.....

Falling down into a dream of Monhegan

The woman is painting her door red.
A boy tells a dog his name.
Me, I go dragging my paints
Down gravely paths
Seeking to record memories
That I have not yet made.

The whale sings songs full of longing.
A world begs forget the gold sun.
Me, I go dancing my feet
Through sunlit Cathedral
Seeking the softly green radiance
That I have not yet forgotten.

The man rows a boat old and wooden.
A feather rides blue speckled foam.
Me, I eye with hands shading
Across grey pebbled beaches
Seeking to call up an image
That I have not yet set down.


The island sways in blue rhythm.
The red heart beats back in time.
The island sways in blue rhythm.
The ocean sighs in white rime

I am dreaming of the island.
I am calling out a name.
I hear me whisper.

I am dancing cross the ocean.
My heartbeat this sweet refrain.
I hear me say.

The brush drags a shape on the paper.
A paint drop forms life on the page.
Me, I pass through like others
Returning again and a day
Seeking to transcribe beauty
In colors I have yet to create.

- Deborah Cavenaugh